Yesterday we went on a little trip with the kids to Oslo where we visited the Natural History Museum. The geological exhibitions were closed for several years while it was renovated and this was our first visit after they opened it up again. It was really impressing, loved everything about it. Loved the old beams and the cabinetry, much of it are old and restored to last several more generations. Loved the colour scheme in green and blue which fit so wonderfully with the redness of the oak and of course the exhibition itself. It was so incredibly diverse and had everything you'd want to see whether it's 66 million year old Stan the T-rex, every mineral you can think of, flora & fauna or just the delicious cinnamon buns at the coffee shop. We even got to pop in to the botanical garden and get some christmas shopping done in the museum shop. 

Because you know, it's only 11 Mondays left until Christmas you guys. 

Or maybe you didn't know, but now you do  πŸ˜‰ 


Pictures by Therese / Scandinavian Simplicity 

Wishing you all a wonderful Monday 🫢🏻


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