Pictures by Line Klein via KK Magazine

Jeg så disse bildene på nettsiden til KK 
og tenkte jeg skulle dele dem med dere. NOE så lekkert!!
Jeg elsker glassveggen som er satt opp mellom kontorseksjonen 
og entreen. Det shabby og godt brukte speilet som tar igjen
detaljene fra veden under ovnen samt et enkelt og stilrent 
kjøkken. Whats not to love? 


I just had to share these pictures 
with you from the Norwegian magazine KK
I love just about everything with it!! 
Even the dog matches :) 

Fortsatt fin dag ønskes deg. 
Klem fra Therese 


  1. Dear Therese,

    You know, I had a mid-day nap today for the first time in years.
    I was exhausted with surrounding input and loud noise, so I closed my
    eyes and dozed off. When I woke up I felt so at peace.
    I told myself to cherish this soft feeling & as my mind was quiet
    something told me to come see you here.

    And what a blessing.

    I cannot express in words the connection I feel with your first words of last year.
    The need for balance between being seen and being private.
    And then continuing on to find a deep familiar feeling through your inspirational
    collection of images that feed both mind & soul,
    not to mention the talent you possess in mediating inspiration through your own unique images.

    My heart is truly filled & what more can one say than; Thank You

    I wish for you as I wish for myself; to always feel proud of who you are.
    to not pressure yourself to be more public than what you feel comfortable with
    & not to be so hard on yourself for wanting recognition, to the extent that you censure
    yourself and stop yourself from feeling free.


    Emma (babysistere)

    1. Aaaahhh, you are the sweetest ♥ Thank YOU for all your lovely words. They really made me so happy, they made me smile and think. I have been blogging for 7 years now and i have always been torned between being private and personal, because i just dont know where the line always are. One thing that can feel comfortable to write about one day may feel totally different the next. I love reading personal blogs though and i admire those who do. But for me, being on the safe side have and still feels right. But after meeting you its nice to know that a bit more of who i am shines through than just being fond of tea and interior magazines ;)

      I cant wait to see your blog though. The little i know of you you just seem like such a sweet person with a good heart and good thoughts. And i love the way you are honest with both others and i also think with yourself. I`m not always that good but i try to be.

      Are you on facebook by the way? If you are, would it be ok if i added you to my friendlist? :)

      Wish you a lovely evening Emma.

      Love, Therese


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