I can't believe it's been five years since i last wrote a blogpost on this platform. 

It seems like a lifetime ago, literally. So much has happened since then. The covid pandemic, we purchased a house and moved from our lovely little apartment, the kids are growing way too fast and we now have two cats and a pantry *lol*

I'm not really sure what prompted me to write this post though, but i came across one of my old pictures on Pinterest the other day from my very first blog. It was a picture of Jette Frölich Christmas angel hanging above our dining table when we used to live up north, another lifetime ago, and i suddenly found the urge to revisit my old posts from back then. Which lead me to my last post from October in 2019 and i felt a bit of sadness about all the blank pages between then and now because my life has certainly been anything but blank since then. I also have to admit that i miss this form of expression. Back when Instagram arrived it quickly became a sort of a miniature version of blogger and that was ok for a long time, but now it feels more like you have to do the reels thing and the vlog and be a constant high quality content creator to be seen by the algorithm and frankly, i'm too old for that shit. Pardon my French 😄


Am i back on blogger for good? I honestly don't know. 

I'm not taking pictures as much as i used to anymore, which is a bit sad but i'm hoping to ignite that spark again. I am however feeling the urge to be creative again and i honestly think this platform suits me much better than Instagram has done for a while. So yeah i have a feeling i might spend some more time in here so if you're still following my blog, i hope this post finds you well  🫶🏻


Pictures by Therese / Scandinavian Simplicity 


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